


姓      名🧞‍♀️:張林立

職      稱:講師









所獲榮譽🔀🙋🏻‍♂️:2022年,牛津大學出版社Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure期刊年度最佳論文獎


1. 2024年-至今,國家自然科學基金青年項目,基於非線性聲學黑洞超材料的列車軌道寬頻減振研究,52305120,主持

2. 2023年-至今🚞,上海市白玉蘭人才計劃浦江項目🧑🏻‍🔬,基於深度學習的聲學黑洞超材料軌道減振器設計及寬帶特性研究,23PJ1404100,主持

3. 2019年-2022年,香港研究資助局項目,Enhanced Acoustic Black Hole effects through Intentional mechanical/electromechanical coupling and nonlinearities,PolyU 152023/20E,參與

4. 2021年-2022年,國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目,剪切波典型與非典型非線性特性研究🤙🏽:從物理本質到材料評估,51961135302,參與

5. 2018年-2020年🧎🏻👸,國家自然科學基金重點項目,基於聲學黑洞效應(ABH)的波操縱及其工程應用中的力學問題研究🧭,11532006📃,參與

6. 2018年,香港研究資助局項目🛑,Anti-Vibration Assistive Exoskeleton Technology for Manipulating Vibrating Tools𓀉,PolyU 15206717,參與

7. 2016年,國家自然科學基金面上項目,基於列車運行的軌道振動能量捕獲和回收方法研究,51575334🫨,參與


1. Linli Zhang, Xiang Sun, Jennifer Dietrich, Gaetan Kerschen, Li Cheng*. Enhanced Energy Transfer and Multimodal Vibration Mitigation in an Electromechanical Acoustic Black Hole Beam, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 561♣︎:117841, 2023. (SCI,IF=4.761🙅🏼‍♂️,Q1)

2.  Linli Zhang, Gaetan Kerschen, Li Cheng*. Nonlinear Features and Energy Transfer in an Acoustic Black Hole Beam through Intentional Electromechanical Coupling, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 177: 109244, 2022. (SCI,IF=8.4,Q1)

3. Linli Zhang, Xiaozhen Sheng*. A review on the research progress of mechanical meta-structures and their applications in rail transit, Intelligent transportation infrastructure, 1:1-22, 2022. (年度最佳論文)

4. Linli Zhang, Xiang Sun, Jennifer Dietrich, Gaetan Kerschen, Li Cheng*. Enhanced energy transfer and multimodal vibration mitigation in an electromechanical acoustic black hole beam, Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, 2021. (國際權威會議)

5. Linli Zhang, Gaetan Kerschen and Li Cheng*, Electromechanical Coupling and Energy Conversion in a PZT-Coated Acoustic Black Hole Beam, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 12: 2050095, 2020. (SCI,IF=3.5,Q2)

6. Linli Zhang and Li Cheng*. A Fully Coupled Electromechanical Model for a PZT-coated Acoustic Black Hole Beam, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2020. (國際權威會議)

7. Linli Zhang, Li Cheng* and Gaetan Kerschen. Electromechanical Coupling and Energy Conversion in a PZT-coated Timoshenko Beam Based on Acoustic Black Hole Effect, ISMA International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2020. (國際權威會議)

8. Xingjian Jing*, Linli Zhang, Xiao Feng, Bo Sun, Quankun Li. A novel bio-inspired anti-vibration structure for operating hand-held jackhammers, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 118 (2019) 317-339. (SCI, IF: 8.4, Q1)

9. Xingjian Jing*, Linli Zhang, Guoqing Jiang, Xiao Feng, Yingqing Guo, Zhaodong Xu. Critical factors in designing a class of X-shaped structures for vibration isolation, Engineering Structures, 199 (2019) 109659. (SCI, IF: 5.5, Q1)

10. 張林立*, LEE Kang-kuen, 故障軌道上的輪軌耦合動力學研究, 低碳世界, 2018, ISSN 2095-2066/CN10-1007/TK.

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